The Setouchi DMO Strategic Digital Marketing

The new website “Setouchi Trip” ( with a feature to book accommodations and interactive activities is an initiative for inbound marketing.Booking status and various marketing data such as video view records are collected and combined with digital promotions such as video streaming.


Opened in
December 2017
3 languages (English, German, French).


The brand concept is “Setouchi Reflection Trip,” a named derived from the characteristically tranquil inland sea which both physically reflects anything resting on its calm surface, and psychologically embodies a sense of serenity constructive for travelers’ self-reflection and meditation. Whether it be by cycling or sailing, the DMO aims to create an experience that will enrich travelers during their journey through the 450 kilometer long island-scape, not only by discovering real Japanese culture, but by creating the opportunity for travelers rediscover their own personas when uninterrupted by the turbulence of everyday life.


Special features

Booking feature implemented

Information is centralized through cooperation with existing online travel agents (OTA) on accommodations and optional travel tours supported for inbound travelers in the Setouchi region to allow booking.

Lists informational content edited by international writers

International writers create articles to convey the appeal of e Setouchi, which provides persuasive information from an outsider perspective.

Run digital promotions such as video streaming

This website strives to expand recognition through more active transmission of information, by running video streaming and other ads towards the segment which prefers travelling in the target market, to increase site traffic.

Analyze data digitally, and run more accurate effectivity verification (PDCA cycle)

Data such as video viewing trends, site traffic trends, and bookings can be analyzed, and the return on investment of advertisements can be verified, allowing the creation of a more strategic PDCA cyclein order to improve the benefits and efficiency of measures.



Other Services

瀬戸内Finder Webモール



Setouchi Finder

Setouchi Finder is a unique media outlet that aims to improve recognition and visibility of the Setouchi brand by providing information on the charms of the prefectures in the Setouchi area (Hyogo, Okayama, Hiroshima, Tokushima, Kagawa, Ehime) both domestically and internationally.

Registered Setouchi Brand

The Setouchi Brand is registered by the SETOUCHI Tourism Authority. It governs original products and services created with the unique resources of the Setouchi area such as its natural environment (islands and the inland sea), food, and history that combine to realize the Setouchi Brand identity. It aims to increase the brand value of “Setouchi” while improving brand recognition both domestically and internationally.

Setouchi DMO Members

Setouchi DMO Members is a membership-based service for local businesses (with a monthly subscription) that supports the development of sustainable businesses and the increase of business opportunities for companies and organisations as a result of the increased demands of the tourism industry in Setouchi.

Setouchi Kanko Kasseika Fund

The Setouchi Kanko Kasseika Fund provides the capital necessary to create and develop tourism-related businesses with the goal of revitalizing and promoting the local economy.